10 juil. 2012

Darkness of a moonless night
Some butterflies listen to music
They fly and dream to another life
One of them hit his head against the light
Again and again
It does not bother him
The pain is unreal
Love is so far
Full is empty
Nobody can do anything
No one knows
No one cares

19 juin 2012

Love as pain
Life as death
Wathever you need
Wathever you want
I'll still there.

1 févr. 2012

''Didn't want to leave you with the wrong impression
Didn't want to leave you with my last confession
Yeah, of love
Wasn't tryin' to pull you in the wrong direction
All I want to do is try to make a connection...''

30 janv. 2012

I'm butter squared in a toasted world...

23 janv. 2012

It's possible
I know now
I found it
I can't deny
I must try
Just try...

22 janv. 2012

Patience is'nt
Hurry hurry Harry
Don't let it go
Grab it
Taste it
And keep it close for ever